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Wednesday 22 April 2020

What we should all learn from COVID19

Some people say, everything happens for a reason. If we do not learn anything from COVID19 it would have happened for nothing. Over the last few weeks, from my observation and also reading lots of comments from many different angles, this is what I have learned and trying to learn from all of this.

1. We are all equal

We are all human beings with the same anatomy. Not money, race, religion, position, authority can make you immune from COVID19. No one is more superior than another.

2. Times of trouble brings out the best and worst in humanity

All across the globe there are medical practitioners risking their lives working non stop to save lives, people volunteering their time to help others, whilst there are selfish people not following instructions and putting more people at risk, causing panic, placing blame, spreading hate and fear. Which one are you?

3. Leave God out of this

God gave us freedom to choose what we want to do, but God also gave us a brain to make wise decisions and not do stupid shit. We are in no position to say God this God that. I don't care what you think God told you, He told me to tell you to shut the F up. (PS: I am religious)

4. Learn to appreciate true value

Masks, toilet paper and food are worth more than previously expensive stuff. I remember the story of Pablo Escobar burning $3 million dollars to keep himself warm when he was on the run. In times of need you'll see the true value of life, time, friendship, family, health, and how vain it is to pursue materialistic possessions.

5. Mother nature fights back

We are not taking care of mother earth that we are over populating. It is natural for mother nature to fight back. Covid19 will have a vaccine and cure soon. But there is no vaccine for climate change. We are close to crossing the point of no return and Covid19 is just a reminder if we don't take care of our home, it is going to "take care" of us.

Just a random picture from my window so the preview pane has something to post
Some people are fighting for their lives, some people are fighting to save people's lives, some people are fighting for their rights, some people are fighting random people on the street because of their skin colour. Some fights are worth fighting, some are outright dumb. Let's strive to make the world we live in a better place, be better people ourselves, be nicer to the people around us, take care of the world we live in.