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Sunday, 26 January 2025

Poker Dream 15, Genting Malaysia Report

Coming into 2025, my last few trips of 2024 had pretty bad results.

TMT +RM50k
PD 13 -RM80k
APPT Manila -RM10k
Macau -RM33k
Players Series Taipei -RM12k

So naturally this series my confidence wasn't sky high. But after PD 13 I vowed to work on my game and myself and I did. I could feel I was handling spots better and smoother range construction, but still results weren't going my way. But as a poker player, one of the lessons is to see results as secondary. You learn to accept defeat as long as you did your best. 

"For a good player, losing is a blessing; for a bad player, winning is a curse" ~ by me

3 ITM from 4 events

Having a proper bankroll allowed me to take those losses on this chin. So although not flying high, I was still confident in myself to pull through at some point. The 80k loss just 2 months ago still haunted me, but I was determined to not let it affect how I played. 

Went up unplanned for the opening event, honestly I ran really well and bagged comfortably. On the second day one key hand villain suddenly decides to spaz with bottom pair and won. Still okay with how I played and happy to break the duck of the year.

The second event was a little bit stressful for me, which was the Super High Roller. I have backers riding on this, and they are supporting me when I am on a bad streak. I really wanted to do well for them. First few hands I made a big fold where I might have called off had I had 100% of myself. QQ vs AK all in pre with a friend had me crippled to 7bb where average was about 100bb. I stayed positive, patient, disciplined, took a photo of my stack saying out loud to everyone on the table, announcing "epic comeback on the way". I also said I needed four full double ups. 

Epic comeback OTW

This year one of the resolutions I had was to be a positive influence, mainly through my faith. At 7bb I lost my stress I had when I had 100+bb. If I succeed, it is not because of my skill or abilities. It is out of my control now, let go, let God. 

First double I jam 7bb with A6, bb very good player from China snap off with J high.
Second double I flopped a set, same villain bet one bb on turn, resisted the urge to raise, river call jam
Third double QJs vs TT all in pre, river Q
Fourth double hero call 3x pot river jam with 2nd pair

From 35k spun up to 920k on day 1, eventually went on to spin up to 8.9m. On the final table I lost a big pot and was very close to the shortest stack. However he jammed A4 utg got called by 66. Window card A, then a 6. Jeremy then defended his big blind with 67. Flop Q67hhx he got it in vs chip leader KJhh and turn Ah. Then I was utg with maybe 6bb left, CO open, as if to put ICM pressure on the big blind, who subsequently decided to jam A7 vs ICM steal. CO wakes up with KK, calls, flop K. Pretty happy to ladder up to 6th.

Skipping forward, 4 bullets in the main, first bullet had a good stack and a good shot, lost almost all in two hands. Then lastly the Mystery Bounty High Roller. Lost the first bullet, decided to late reg the second day, spun up from 10bb to finishing 11th with 4 bounties, I am pretty okay with that. 

Long story short, PD 15, +RM 143k

I have a full schedule planned at least till May. Good start but hope it would go on. Constantly trying to better myself. Watching my tongue, table mannerisms, keeping good relationships in the industry, choose kindness first before anything, and glory not to me, but the big guy upstairs. 

Thursday, 2 January 2025

2025 Goals and Resolutions

To keep myself focused and accountable, every year I set out to achieve some goals. This year is no different. If you've been in poker for as long as I have, it is no longer a game, it's a lifestyle. 

1. Play more

In 2024, I played in 11 tournament series but some of them I only played 2-3 events. I think it might be hard to keep up the 11 series but I hope I can play a few selected series but grind through the whole thing. I also played about 70 sessions of cash games in 2024. That is considered pretty low. I want to raise that number but with where I am now and where I plan to be, playing more than once a week might be tough. Considering doing some cash game runs like 2 weeks in Singapore, 2 weeks in Macau here and there.

2. Track everything

The last time I used a poker tracker properly was in 2020 when I clocked 2000+ hours of live cash game grind. This year I am inspired to track and I will share with you my results (good or bad) here at the end of the year.

3. Consistent studying

I have been doing well keeping to a steady study schedule, however I want to make sure I follow through for the whole year. Discipline is an issue for me so keeping myself on track would be the goal for 2025. I also hope it leads to results which brings me to:

4. Win 2 trophies and ITM for $150k+

I want to set a realistic target so I am keeping to my targets I had for 2023 and 2024 where I achieved $80k and $60k respectively. I honestly feel that in 2024 I had been running above EV in high stakes cash and below EV in tourneys. Thankfully that meant a positive result overall. I doubt I will get many high stakes opportunities this year so my tourney results will be crucial to my success or failure this year. Then again I feel I am stronger as a player compared to before so I hope I am rewarded.

5. Bringing MPF to the next level

I started this as a pet project and it has taken off mainly because of the response of the members. Now, I have a bigger ambition than I ever thought possible. But in order to do that, I have to get personal results in order for me to be comfortable devoting my time and effort to do this. I can't be pushing MPF and bleeding money on the tables at the same time. I also realize that I am making myself a high profile target in case politicians or the police needs a scapegoat. I just hope that I have enough friends that will come to my rescue if that does happen. 

6. Be a positive influence

I am trying to be very obvious about my faith, yet there are people still talking to me about poker gods, going to temples, working girls, etc. I believe if you do something with dedication, pure intentions, humility, you can have a positive impact on people around you. You can be an amazing poker player and an asshole at the same time. But you can be kind, helpful, God fearing and still crush souls on the tables. I hope I have the time but my intention is also to create some charitable events, community service through the monster machine that MPF now is. I want to inspire positive action and healthy careers in this industry. 

Bring it on 2025, let's see if I can survive another year.