As some of you know, I was grinding tournaments full time up to May 2019. Although I did okay, I did not have great momentum. The cost of travelling and falling short at key moments was like one step forward two steps back. But I was pretty happy I almost mirrored my 2018 success in just 5 months.
My dream is to have a roll like a drug dealer LOL |
After deciding to play cash game full time, I have played 83 sessions since May 23rd. I went from grinding USD 2/5 to now comfortably playing USD 10/20 and I couldn't be happier with my decision. During this time I have made quite a few friends some of which has taught me so much about my game and from experience I have learned so much about other aspects in life that has made me a much stronger person. I am quite surprised at my stamina but also passion for the game. I thought I would be sick of the game by now but to my surprise I look forward to the next game every day. Of course winning consistently does make it more fun. Some people ask how do I do it, one thing I realised is I socialise on the table and make jokes. Sooner or later you'll either make some cool friends or find some crazy comedians that will keep you entertained for hours. If not, I will entertain myself. For example, I occasionally play at a Chinese private game. As a show of respect, the hosts and dealers will call your name with title at the end like 总(chairman) 董(director) or 哥(big brother). For some reason they think my name is Lee 李 and I have never bothered to correct them. Sometimes I don't realise they are talking to me because they call me by this name. On one occasion, there was a guy called 胡哥(hu ge) and me 李哥(li ge) and 发哥(fa ge). I just kept laughing because it sounded like Hooker, Licker and Fu....
In the last few months I have grown to appreciate Cambodia and it's people. It is actually a very beautiful country and I have a great view of the city from my room. Apart from the small number of lazy tuk-tuk drivers camped outside my apartment trying to scam the lazy Chinese who can't be bothered to use an App or haggle, most Cambodians are down to earth, hardworking, humble people. It's a stark contrast with their closest neighbours. I've also found a great charity that I can partner with. It was much easier to donate when I wasn't making a lot but when I had a big month it was really a test of faith. But seeing CCF's mission and their success really made it easier because I know the money will be well spent on changing lives.
After 81 days I finally took a break from poker and went for a visa run/vacation to Bangkok. Games are still pretty good in Cambodia at the moment so I rather come back and grind as soon as possible, so Bangkok was the quickest and closest choice. It felt weird not playing any poker at all, but I think my mind needed a break too.
My favourite oyster omelette place in Bangkok |
Beautiful sunset in Bangkok |
One downside to playing full time is I have gained quite some weight now with late night heavy foods and celebratory meals and snacks after winning sessions. So for the next few months I hope to do some regular exercise, cut down on late night munchies and hopefully lose some weight. I will update you guys on this as well. PS: I have a page on Facebook ( Please follow if you want to be updated everytime I post a new blog post. I will also post random pictures there from time to time.
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