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Wednesday 8 July 2020

Why do I give?

I have a file that I keep to track how much I should be giving for charities since June 2019. I did a tally and I was surprised how much the total was. But I have developed the habit of helping others, maybe in my upbringing and also the people who've inspired me throughout my life. And to me it is natural and something everyone needs to be doing, in order to make our world a better place. People who know me well know me as a very genuine and straight forward person, but I guess when I start posting Facebook ads looking for charity cases genuinely seeking out people in need to help, it may have caused some people to react or think negatively.

I give, because of one thing, because I am selfish. You might think that doesn't make sense, but once you know my secret, you might just do the same too.

Malachi 3:10 "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it."

Almost my entire cash roll at one point

The more I give the more I get to give and it goes on and on. You might think it gets easier but it doesn't. As the amounts grow you are tested more and more because your mind is trying to reason with you, and it defies logic to give it away to someone you barely know. Last year I played a lot in a private game where I was surrounded by all kinds of characters. I've seen them snort cocaine and take meth on the table, I'm pretty sure they are mostly involved in illegal businesses, some were loan sharks and possibly drug dealers too. I remember saying "their money is better off in my hands". Indeed it was because I would do good things with it whilst they probably spend it on the next party, next high or even worse. One night I won $7k+ and the next morning I sent $1k to a local teacher fighting cancer.

Moving in the right direction
We like playing with our friends' kids or our nieces or nephews. Have you tried giving kids something and asking them for a little back? Offer them a whole bag of candy and ask for one little piece back. Even though we never wanted or needed a candy in the first place, but I bet you the one that actually shares with you will be your favourite, and you will give him or her more stuff in the future. Although the kid is well within their rights to say now that you have given the whole bag to them, it is theirs to decide what to do with and who to give to. But it is just natural for us to give more to the one that shares.

Don't worry, I put it in the bank already 
If you're like me and believe there is a higher being watching over us, and that He in His own words challenged us to test his promise and generosity, then you'll understand why I give generously and with a pure heart. Because the more I give, the more I get to give, which means the more I get to keep too. 

I've come across people who are generous with their resources. One guy offered free accommodation for backpackers who are stuck in Cambodia because of Covid19, and he also takes in stray dogs. One poker pro friend I know once wrote a $100k cheque to a cancer foundation right after a tournament win. Another gave money for locals to help with their education and other personal needs. I know some of my friends are going to joke that they contribute to the locals every night too, but these guys ask for nothing in return. 

If you or you know someone in genuine severe financial difficulty (because I had people asking me to help them fix their car, but I am looking to help people who don't have a car and may be evicted or even starve to death if they don't receive help kind of difficulty), drop me a message on and if I can help I will do my best.

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