It has been a frustrating month with results going up and down, and having to deal with some difficult situations, but still extremely thankful for opportunity we are in. The new club is great, it feels like a proper poker club, a very exclusive high end feeling to it.
I pledged to write more blog posts but also pledged to give more to those in need so why not combine the two. This month there were two causes that moved me to give. I have mentioned in my previous posts before that one of my friends often gives to the animal shelter. He says human beings should have the ability to take care of themselves, but helpless animals can't. They deserve our care and attention. I agreed with him and together with his help, we donated about 320kg of food to the shelter. I wanted to visit myself but am too busy at the moment. But definitely will make it there one of these days. My friend was kind enough to go source for the food and delivery it personally. They have a website too, but we thought that buying and delivering food is the more effective way of giving. This way we ensure all the funds benefit the animals directly. But if you are interested to help you can check out the Animal Rescue Cambodia website.
Food "Panda" for the animals (my friend Ras on the left and I'm not in the pic) |
Another cause that came to my attention was the food situation in Beirut, Lebanon. After the devastating blast, a lot of food storages were destroyed. Being in the desert, Beirut has to rely on imported foods through their ports that are now inoperable. So the United Nations' World Food Programme has been sending in food deliveries to feed the local people. They need more help to be able to supply all the people affected. If you are interested to help please also donate. You can join their monthly donation or donate a one-off amount.
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My two recent charities both involve food. Everyday we have the feeling of being hungry, but we are never in hunger. The next time you are feeling hungry, think of the people and animals that are suffering and might not have a meal waiting for them. Also I hate wastage. I despise the people who waste food. Do not be like them. It may sound cliche but really, think of the starving people in Africa, or maybe even just outside your street. Have compassion, don't waste, give generously. Feeding someone is more satisfying than feeding yourself.
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