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Sunday, 28 April 2024

Key Moments of My Career So Far

My career has been a crazy journey, and along the way there has been many milestones and defining moments that shaped it, pushed it in the direction it took and got me to where I am here. I am not rich by any means. I am sure I am the poorest player money-wise in my regular game. I suspect some of the staff may be richer than I. But my life might be the most interesting of all, and I think I am the happiest of the bunch. 

1999 - I am often on my computer and have the TV running in the background. Most days it was the sports channel but one day I had HBO on and they were showing Rounders the movie. My poker virginity was gone just like that. 

2004 - In between I played some tiny cash games here and there, but this was the year I found a game in Hong Kong (Prince Hotel and the Arena) and started playing regularly. 

2008 - I went back to Hong Kong and was a regular at HKPH for 3 straight months. This was where I met guys like Sparrow Cheung, Elton Tsang, Stephen Lai, etc.

2010 - First tournament series in Cebu, final tabled the bounty event sitting next to Celina Lin. Traveled a lot to Manila to play cash and tourneys. 

2013 - Won my first trophy as a super fish

2014 - Early in the year one of our home games was raided. I then went to Macau to play. Came back after some bad losses, decided to start a poker room instead. Bought everything, rented a place, everything done within a week and we were open for business.

My 2nd poker room (Malaysia)

2015 - Upgraded the poker room to a new place, within just 2 weeks we got raided. Went to the station for statements, settled and went home. 2 weeks later we were up and running again. Got offered a sweet job in HK, accepted it but again got raided 2 weeks before I was about to leave. This time, locked up for 4 days.

2016 - Played regularly in HK and Macau on the weekends. Danny Tang just finished uni, just a young kid who didn't know what was in store for him. Started the first unofficial poker union on PPPoker with a bunch of friends. (Yes we created the union idea) 1000 players at launch, 7000 players at peak, made a bunch of money. Agented for N8 as well with 300+ players under me. Started a poker room in HK but got raided within the month. 

My 4th poker room (Hong Kong)

2018 - End of 2017 I finished 9th, 3rd and 10th in 3 Main Events back to back. Company decided to close down HK branch, was doing well agenting and playing poker, decided to play full time on the Asian circuit.  

2019 - At this time I had a part time job as UPoker's consultant (China company) but I was also struggling to make money from just grinding tourneys. But this was when I pledged to give 10% of my earnings to charity no matter what. Won my 4th trophy really as a career saver. Decided to stick it out grinding cash games in Ho Chi Minh. Created the Vietnamese Poker Association. Was away on visa run one weekend and avoided a very serious raid. Could have been locked up for 6 months. Instead I moved to Phnom Penh for safer games. By chance got into a juicy Chinese private game, did well. 

2020 - Chinese game died, so started new poker room with Ryan Revai. Everything done within a week as well. Was doing very well until an unhappy ending. Ran the room and played 11 months straight, maybe resting only 3 days in that stretch. COVID? What COVID? Pride myself in running the most punctual poker room everyday at 2pm. Got super overweight and unhealthy. 

6th (Cambodia)

2023 - Did nothing significant the previous 2 years. Joined UPoker again end of 2022 for a while exploring the African market. Created the South African Poker Association. Got offered a job at MiMa Poker. Met a lot of great people in this time. Crazy year, traveled to 16 different countries. Left MiMa after 7 months. Was raided and locked up again. Got into a good private high stakes game, did well for 4 straight months. 

9th (Malaysia)

2024 - Created the Malaysian Poker Federation, this time with pure, non-profit intentions. Plan to focus more efforts in building networks, businesses. Isn't it the dream to grind until you become the whale? I am no whale by any means, but poker has allowed me the financial freedom to spend my time doing what I want. Going on an epic journey tomorrow right after a frustrating April. 4 countries, 10 cities, 31 days, playing poker, meeting people, making connections, living in the now, living to the fullest. What's the point of earning money and not spending it? Earn to live, not live to earn. Can't wait to see what's next on my journey.

My deepest thanks to the people who helped get me to where I am now. You guys know who you are. You treated me as a friend, as a brother, not for personal gain or benefit, helped me when you didn't know if I can pay you back, treated me with respect and appreciation, with trust and confidence. Love you guys. To those who tried to take advantage of me, hurt me, steal from me, cheat me, use me, looked down on me, well I thank you too. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and you have definitely made me stronger. 

Monday, 8 April 2024

Poker Dream 9, Genting Malaysia Report

Since November 2023 I have switched to playing cash games more than tourneys and it has been paying off with 5 profitable months in a row although April is off to a shaky start. But I still can't resist a good tournament series let alone one that is in Malaysia. 

Special thanks to the volunteers for helping

First event off the bat after max late regging I manage to spin it to a decent day 2 stack, crushed the mid-late game but ended up on the final table as one of the shorties. Managed to evade elimination and jumped to 5th before I was knocked out. Played my last hand poorly where I should have been able to get away from it and who knows maybe spin up what I had left. But to finish 5th in a field of 1508, I'll take it. 

Not actual cash out*

But as the week progressed, my stamina began to wane. I am a light sleeper to begin with. But after discussing with some friends, it seems most people did not sleep well at any of the Genting hotels. My theory is the hotels are deliberately messing with our sleep so that patrons sleep less, gamble more, tilt easier. I can feel that I wasn't playing 100%, making mistakes, over playing certain spots, getting impatient and losing my discipline. I was particularly upset at myself as I promised I wouldn't degen but I ended up flipping with friends after a cash game session. The next few days I was immediately punished for that. I actually honestly felt I was the fish of my table, that was how bad I was playing. 

This trip I was reminded of some realizations:

1. My fiancé is my rock. I sometime take for granted the calming effect that she has and how much that helps me decompress and prepare for the next game. 

2. I am still not good enough. Some days I can play very good poker, but other days I am a fish. I need to continually work on my game, discipline and stamina. 

3. Work life balance. I got into poker for freedom and healthier lifestyle. Sure there's always money to be made, but I want to spend that money on a life. 

4. If you can't spot the fish, leave. I often make up excuses to stay. I don't want to hit and run, I want to chase my losses, I want to support the host, maybe other fishes will come, I've got nothing else to do.... if you're playing to win, and know that you can't win, then stop playing. 

I bricked everything else until the very end where I got a consolation ITM in the Monster Stack. I made money buying action of 3 players. Lost money on 3 other players. (Felt like a stable master at one point) Essentially breaking even on buying action. Ended the series -RM13k or so but considering I cashed RM75k, it's a disappointing result. 

On the positive side, we got the Malaysia Poker Federation off and running, got to make a lot of new friends and meet a lot of old ones. MPF is my way of giving back to this career that has given me a lot. I feel we are in an era of entitlement. There always need to be a benefit to do something. You are Malaysian, you are a poker player, aren't these two reasons enough for you to be a member of the Malaysia Poker Federation? You might not know this but by just joining, you are helping us help you. Sorry for the rant but it's people like these that no one wanted to do this. Anyway, I am doing this for the people that appreciate it. Helping future top Malaysian pros realize their potential. Check out our links here. MPF Facebook and MPF Discord