I just watched the NFL legend Aaron Rodger’s career story “Enigma” and in it he was quite open with his spiritual views. I too was raised in a structured, traditional church upbringing. But my poker journey also intertwines with my spiritual journey. I am not your typical Christian. Most Asians let alone Christians probably would not consider poker a legitimate career. But in the last few years I’ve grown closer to God than I ever was, and I feel that it has helped me and my life in so many ways.
First thing is acknowledgment. I love nature, and if you look closely, it is impossible to believe that nature occurred without design. Bees, we used to run when we see one. Apparently the whole world would crumble if we lost them. Wolves, that were hunted and eliminated in North America. The whole ecosystem and even economy was affected, it got so bad they actually reintroduced wolves back into the wild in 1995 on purpose. Koala bears, puppies, cute little animals like that, what other purpose do they serve other than to delight us, add fun and color to human lives? You’ve got to acknowledge there’s someone above humans that have designed and planned this. A higher power EXISTS. (“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” Psalms 19:1)
Reach out. There are so many “brands” of god and religion, the worst one that tilts me when people bring it up is the poker god. But which one is the real one? How do you know for sure? My trick is, just talk to God. It goes something like this “hi, are you God? I don’t know you, but I would like to get to know you more. If you’re God I’m sure you can hear this, and you can make it happen. Thanks” (“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7) Don’t worry if God is real, He will have plenty of ways to respond, for example through someone like me, a feeling, a thought, an emotion, an event, a song, etc. If there is no God, then you just spoke to yourself for 10 seconds.
Now that you know God, it’s time to form a relationship. Just as a parent delights in their child talking to them, spending time with them, appreciating them… God delights in us doing the same with Him. You may ask, if God is all knowing, why do we still need to tell Him things? Imagine your kids or nieces and nephews, they come to you and tell you something, it’s a story you’ve heard a thousand times. But you watch their cute little faces telling you as if for the first time. God knows what I am going through. He knows villain hit his runner runner, but He wants me to share it with Him, to involve Him in everything I do. Even if He doesn’t intervene doesn’t mean He doesn’t care. (“Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” Mark 10:15) and in return, I let Him speak to me through the Bible, nature, and good people around me.
Do what God likes or what God wants you to do. Especially in Chinese culture, we see god as a shortcut to getting what we want. Burn some incense, buy some roast pork, or fruits in exchange for what you want. In the Old Testament God also required burning sacrifices, namely a lamb, because it symbolizes purity, innocence but is also often a prized possession so it reflects sincerity. But the sacrifice is not in exchange for success but rather an atonement for sin. Because success can only come when you are without sin. (“Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, or his ear dull, that it cannot hear; but your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear.” Isaiah 59:1-2) Imagine going to your boss everyday asking for a raise, promotion, upgraded equipment, more holidays… instead of doing things to genuinely help the company, make your boss look good, being a good example, helping your colleagues, being kind. If you’ve done the latter, a fair and good boss will reward you whether you ask for it or not.
Doesn’t mean you can’t tell God what you want. In fact He asks us to. (“do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7) I am 97% a super happy person. I have so many things to be thankful for, an angel of a partner, a decent career, a colorful life. But yet I still have my struggles, days where I would cry in the shower, wake up middle of the night crying, or “crying” on the table when the eventual SHR champ jams K9 vs my 99, flop clean and turn 9 I still lost. Winning isn’t sweet if you never lose, success is not satisfying if you never fail. But what makes it different for me, is the peace I get that is truly out of this world; the hope I have even when things look bleak; and the love I can share because of the abundance that I have received.
I used to think “hey God, I’m your spokesperson now, don’t make me look bad, You scratch my back I scratch Yours…” The truth is, it doesn’t work that way. Most good Christians do not have earthly success. The thing is, the poker industry does not have the best of reputations, let alone exemplary life choices and pureness of heart. With company closure, HK riots and COVID I was pushed into the poker industry. Didn't really give me much of a choice. But I wanted to be different, in Chinese saying "grow out of dirty mud but unsullied". Somehow I grinded out a decent career but now, I want to influence others to be good too. To influence someone you need a certain degree of success. My success is not necessarily in dollars and cents or trophies, but the richness in friendship, loyalty and respect. (but results help too) Whether God grants me that or not, I leave it to Him. But if I am successful in helping another person, give them joy or hope, offer them solid advice, inspire them to give, make them a better person.... then these are my trophies. Of course my argument with God is that poker trophies would make me even more effective 🤣
If you are going through something and need a listening ear, a helping hand, sound advice, or anything at all, you can reach me at happyriverpoker@gmail.com God bless
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