Inspired by YouTuber Johnnie Vibes and his 30-day challenge, I did a 7 day challenge myself. After arriving I did not play the same day because I think playing fresh is very important. I played the following day and day 1 was not a great start. To be honest by the time I am writing this I have forgotten most of the key hands that day. But I remember being pretty tired at the end and spewing chips on the 2/5 table.
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I guess I hadn't played cash games for two weeks leading up to the game, and I was just figuring out who were the sharks and fishes on the table. But it's good that I came across as a non-threatening player to the regs so they would play more with me in the following days.
Day 2 = +992 USD
On day 2 I had a better session this time grinding out a $992 profit in a few hours. My memory is failing me where I used to be able to remember hands from years ago, now I can't even remember most of it in a matter of days. Sigh... the price of wisdom (or maybe just old age)
Day 3 I can remember pretty well being that it was more recent than day1 and 2 lol but there was a key hand that turned the whole session around. I was +800 within 1 hour and was thinking of calling it a night when this hand happened. Button straddled to 10, big blind thought that it was 15 and put in $15. The dealer forced him to raise to $20 when I am in co with KK. Button is a tough thinking player who likes to play pots with me and makes big moves on me. So I thought this is a spot where I can pretend that I am trying to steal the $20 mistaken raise. I popped it up to $70. Button now makes it $190 and we had about $1600 effective. Now I am thinking my plan worked. He thinks I am stealing so he is re-stealing! I made it $850, he jammed and I snap call. Well, he has AA. Bye bye $800 profit and I was now -$800. From then on I think I forced the game and got in pots that I shouldn't have. I managed to grind back to even but I got greedy. Wanted a profit but ended up losing $2200 for the night.
Day 3 = -$2200
I am a firm believer in self reflection. Took time to review my play and critiqued myself. Came to day 4 with a better mindset. Game was pretty uneventful for me, but there were a few big pots (that I was not involved in) but it got some of the players tilted so we made it a 5/10 game. Key pot for me was I backed into a runner runner flush and I almost tripled up. Then proceeded to make a few big bluffs and overpot value bets that got paid off. I had a great night. I usually stop playing after midnight as I wanted to keep a healthier lifestyle. This game I told myself was worth staying up for. I stayed until 5am and won $3100 for the day.
Day 4 = +$3100
The next day I went to the game to kill time while waiting for a friend to go to dinner. The 2/5 games were full so I sat on the 1/3 while waiting. This was when I won 600bbs from a drunk uncle who is one of the funniest and nicest people on the table. One key hand was utg raised to $12, 5 callers and uncle on sb made it $65. There's $130-ish in the pot and I needed to call $53 more in position completing action, and we had a 300bb effective stack, I decided to flat with 54hh. Flop was J53hh. He cbets $150. I think he's never smashing this flop except for JJ so I jam $800 and he calls. Turns a 4 rivers a 3. I thought the paired board counterfeited my two pairs but instead he flips over 42o for an open ended straight draw. Anyway day 5 was short but sweet with a nice profit.
Day 5 = +1275
Playing 5 days straight at my age does take a toll. I caught a flu so now I am battling a headache and block nose while playing. I started the day with $1000 and whittled down to $500. But anyway I got paid on on a river jam with A8 on a KA35Accc board by KJdd and I doubled up to $1000. After a few small pots here and there came this hand. Button straddled to $10, sb, bb and utg called. I am utg1 with AKdd I made it $50. Sb and utg called. Flop came 542ccd. Sb donks for $60, utg calls, I call. Turn 9d sb bets 120, utg calls, I call. River Td. Sb bets 225, I have around 1k behind. I jam and he tank called. Won a couple of hands after and ended the day with a decent profit.
Day 6 = +1614
Final day of my 7-day challenge as I am leaving for Vietnam the day after, I started off slow but one hand turned it all around. At this point I was down about $800. Utg opened to 20, co on is a huge whale makes it 55. I am on the button with KJ and because of the whale's range, I thought I can flat in position. Flop comes KJ8ss. Both checked, I bet 85. Co calls. Turn is another K. I thought I can let the fd get there so it went check check. River was a blank Q. Co checks. I overbet the pot by 2x+ by betting 500. I had about 500 behind. He tanked for a while and called with 88!!! I was thinking I must have gotten max value here but instead I missed value! He was planning a check raise all along but because of my huge oversize bet he just flatted. But anyway I think long term this line is okay.
Day 7 = +447
Overall in 7 days I am up $4351, about 800bb, estimated about 40 hours of play. Not a super great result cause I have had scores of 800bb+ in one session. But I am ecstatic with this result. I think most of the time I played well, but of course I did get lucky in some spots and got paid. I am not as sharp and have the stamina I used to, but I am proud to have played 7 days straight and still pulled out a respectable profit. I will be back again and this time I will try a longer challenge. Maybe 10 or 14 days.
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