Today was a cold cold day, and it was very cold on the table too. But more about that later. My hotel owner made me a nice breakfast before I headed out to the nearest supermarket for some water and snacks. Then it started to snow. I thought since it would be my first time driving in the snow, and the visibility was pretty poor it probably wasn't the best time to go exploring. So I went back to the hotel, took a nap and headed out to the casino at 1pm.
Beautiful organic eggs. You can taste the difference |
Morning |
Night |
There was a €2500 Shortdeck event. I love the game but didn't think I had any edge against the field. Even though at one time it looked like it might have some decent overlay. At the end it surpassed the €200k guarantee. Then there was the €500 Main Event satellite but it pays the top 5% of the field and I wasn't keen on a turbo. By level two the average stack is 50bb and it goes up pretty fast. So I jumped into the €5/10 cash game.
Roller coaster day |
Full disclosure on Day 1 I won €3000+ on €5/10. Not so smooth today. I don't think I made many mistakes, maybe one bluff that was a bit ambitious but others I felt I played okay. It was a roller coaster ride as very quickly I was stuck €4000. These are some of the key hands.
QQ had to fold to a check raise on river
JJ ran into AA short stack
And this was the biggest one for €5000 pot. Preflop I was MP raised to €30 with J9cc. Two players called and HJ makes it €135. Button calls, BB calls and comes to me. I felt that with the money in the pot, €135 seemed on the small side considering there's so also two limpers in between. J9 can be a good 4 bet hand as I was the first opener and I can legitimately have a premium hand whereas no one else seem to be in that range. For a while I did consider a 4 bet to maybe €650 or so. But with a drawy hand and good pot odds I chose to flat instead. The other two complete as well as we go to the flop with the pot now at €815. Flop came 997dd. Everyone checks including the 3 bettor but instead button leads out €300. BB now raises to €1000. I have €1750 behind and flatting seems too strong so I elected to jam instead. Button tank folds saying he had Axdd and BB calls and shows 77. I did not put him on a made fullhouse at all. Turn and river brick twice.
Had a nice healthy dinner, greens more than meat |
I then bought in €2000 more and manage to grind my stack back up to €5200 or so and was feeling good and went to have some dinner. I came back to the table intending to play a little while longer and take a €800 loss for the day. On the 2nd hand I came back to the table, I had KK and lost a pot to QQ. Then a combo draw missed, AK < AJ, AK two pair < JT flush draw, 65hh on J74Qhh board missed, etc. Ended up losing about €6000 for the day. In hindsight I should have left during dinner but the problem is there is nothing else to do. And I didn't want to switch tables and look like a little pussy.
Anyway I am stuck now €2875 for the trip. That's not the end of the world but a great start wiped and I haven't even played a single tournament yet. Tomorrow is the €1100 KO bounty so maybe there's redemption at hand. Wish me luck and here's some more photos I took of my first experience of proper snow.
Risking my life again for this picture |
King's Casino exterior |
Degen car owners parked all day in the snow |
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